- SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GROUPSLearn all over the world whilst Making a Difference
Study abroad in Africa while teaching summer school?
Spanish Lessons in Peru while building classrooms?
Class on a beach in Fiji while improving the water drainage system of a village?
With our custom university service learning adventures give your students a lesson that they will never forget. Being immersed in a new culture, building relationships, serving an international community, and discovering so much about themselves will change their world views and their lives forever. We at MAD believe in growing together, and that is exactly what you will be doing on one of our trips. Your students will be just as positively impacted as the villages you will be serving with.
Whether you are taking a class, a major, an organisation, or a club, we can create a trip to reach your educational, personal and professional development goals.
CASE STUDIESFresno State Study Abroad
MAD and Fresno State have been working closely together for 5 years and continue to build a strong progressive partnership to open up new learning opportunities to students across many departments.
Each year 3 different faculty-led groups travel globally with MAD and these have included:
Agriculture Business Students undertaking a short-term winter course in Ghana studying the Cocoa Industry
Media Students in Fiji and Tanzania during the winter and summer breaks learning film making and documentary skills
Social Media Students engaging in Service Learning Projects during the winter and summer breaks in Fiji, Tanzania, Ghana and South Africa
Nursing and Public Health Students gaining work experience in urban hospitals and delivering outreach projects in rural communities in Fiji
Nebraska Wesleyan University Global Service Learning
This passionate student organisation traveled to Fiji where they worked alongside the village to build a water drainage system. Through nightly processing sessions the team discussed all that they were learning and feeling. The students left after having built lasting friendships and life changing experiences.
Red House Academy's Educational Visit to Ghana
Students and teachers from Red House Academy travelled from Sunderland to Ghana to complete the construction project in the village of Lume Ge. Following 2 weeks of building, the completed 4 classroom block was presented to the community, and the school group enjoyed a weekend exploring the coast's cultural and adventurous sites before heading back to the UK.
Barrow and Ulverston School Groups in Ghana and India
Barrow Sixth Form and Ulverston High School went to Ghana and worked hard on the first phase of a project to refurbish a very old four classroom block in the village of Lume Ge. The old building was in a very bad state. It had no plaster or paint, a rusty and leaking roof, no steps into the classrooms and large holes in the classroom floors. Following completion of this project, two classrooms are used as a Kindergarten, one as a library and the final room as an ITC classroom.
12 computers, a printer, loads of books and other resources were kindly donated to the village of Lume by the Barrow and Ulverston School Group
Following completion of the two week project students from Barrow and Ulverston then went on a week long adventure around Ghana, taking in a safari park in the north, the market in Kumasi, the historic slave castles of the coast and some stunning beaches.
Barrow sixth Form and Ulverston High School also went out with MAD to work on a project in a small village outside the world heritage town of Mamallapuram in the south of India. Madventurer, partnering with an NGO in a small village called Vayallor just outside the world heritage town of Mamallapuram near Chennai.
In this area widows struggle massively with issues of self worth after the death of their husband, the extended family feel like they have shamed and bought bad luck upon the family and are often forced out of their homes with no jobs, no means to make money to eat or feed their children and their lives slowly fold into lives of debt, forced dependency and obligation to family and friends.
We are working with these women on a rehabilitation centre which has a vision to educate and empower these young women, teach them skills through tailoring projects, farming of spices and education for their children for a better life for themselves.
Each Challenge compromises an epic week engaging on a community development project plus a ‘bucket list’ adventure, that rate from passive through to extreme, that will have your body also feeling exhilarated.